Daily Archives: December 28, 2011

Get Ready for 2012: Detox the Old to Be Renewed in the New

Have you ever taken the time to cleanse your body? Do you realize that improper diet, inadequate exercise, excess stress and constant exposure to increasing environmental pollutions can produce toxic conditions within your body? Take this quiz to see if you should start 2012 with an internal detoxification:

  1. Do you drink more than 1 cup of coffee or pop?
  2. Do you feel tired even after you slept the average 7-9 hours?
  3. Do you have acne, or skin problems like rashes or eczema?
  4. Do you feel bloated after a meal, have poor digestion or constipated?
  5. Do you drink alcohol almost daily?
  6. Do you smoke or are around smokers?
  7. Do you live or work in the city?
  8. Do you rarely eat fresh fruits and veggies?
  9. Do you eat red meat more than 2 times a week?
  10. Do you eat fried food and junk foods?
  11. Do you crave candy/sweets or bread?
  12. Do you get allergies?
  13. Do you suffer from constant colds?
  14. Do you have mood swings?
  15. Do you have bad breath or a coated tongue?
  16. Do you experience frequent, unexplained headaches?
  17. Do you put weight on easy?
  18. Do you find it difficult to concentrate?
  19. Do you have signs of premature aging?
  20. Do your joints or muscles ache or feel stiff?
  21. Do you feel tired or fatigued most of the time, or have trouble sleeping?
  22. Do you drink 3 or more cups of coffee/caffeine to keep going during the day?

If you answered yes to 5+ then it’s time to consider detoxification.

This Sista recommends her two favorites:  Arbonne’s 7-Day Detox and the Detox Tea.  These detox products support the body’s natural ability to cleanse and restore itself.

Don’t take my word for it.  Try it and start the new year off right!

The Sistas Working Arbonne are committed to serving others by providing  pure, safe and beneficial skin care  and wellness products, as well as a wonderful business opportunity.  We all deserve to live healthy and prosperous lives!