Daily Archives: December 4, 2011

Foregiving Yourself is a Gift to Yourself

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ~ Lewis B. Smedes

You must take responsibility for your actions. If you’ve caused harm to others, make amends to them.  But, do not let your perceived failure keep you in bondage. We are all human, therefore far from perfect.

Forgiveness is not about changing the past. It’s about changing the future. You didn’t come here to perpetuate your past; to drag it along behind you like a mule. You’re here to use your past as a stepping stone to a better future.

Forgiveness is a priceless gift you give yourself.

If you look inside of your heart,
you can find forgiveness or at least the start
And from that place where you can forgive
is where Hope, and Love, also thrive and live.

And with each step that you try to take
and with that chance that your heart might break
Comes so much happiness, and so much strength
which alone can carry you a fantastic length.

Hate and anger will not get you there
and though you say that you just don’t care
You can EASILY avoid the pain on which hate feeds
…the kind of pain that no one needs
Just make the move, take the first stride
let go of the thing known as “Foolish Pride”

Maybe then you can start to repair the past
into something strong, that will mend, and last!
(c) Barry S. Maltese2000